SI on Campus has been very very good to us here at Friends of Crazy Joe Davola, but they are wrong about this Road Trip though, and we'll tell you why...
The author of the article, says Purdue is the greatest university in Indiana. I disagree, since Purdue is ugly in many ways. While it would seemingly be obviously a biased opinion both ways, but I'm guessing the author isn't a huge IU fan, not that it bothers me, but I wonder if he ever has set foot on IU...
When your best place to watch a game is a run of the mill Buffalo Wild Wings, problem A exists.
When your best pizza is also available in Bloomington (not sure if it is the same company) you have a push...
Your best sports team no one talks about is Women's Golf, there is a reason for it, no one cares...
But this is where the boob author really hits a nerve....
However, with Purdue leading both sports' series records (107-83 basketball,
68-36-6 football), some wonder why Purdue calls it a rivalry. Aren't they
supposed to be a lot closer? Guess not.
First off, how many titles does Purdue have in Men's Basketball? Exactly ZERO. You look back to where most of the wins occurred were before most of our parents were even born. It's crazy, and also their fictional 1932 Helms (WHO?) title...Purdue has one of the worst inferiority complexes out there, there basketball will never be as good as IU and football will never be as good as Notre Dame. So basically you're bred into mediocrity.
Grand Prix. An annual event that started back in 1958, this 50-mile, 160 lap
go-kart race that happens every April is a lot better than Indiana University's
boring bicycle race. Known as "The Greatest Spectacle in College Racing"

Whaah. Whaah. Whaah! It seems as if you are the one with the inferiority complex.
Nice variety of lame ugly chick photos--quite juvenile. By the way, I think the grammar in your post speaks for itself, "there basketball[sic]", "more hotter[sic]"--and IU's a liberal arts university...Perhaps if Purdue would have accepted you, you would have learned how to write.
Well I'm impartial. I got to IU and my girl goes to purdue. I promise you that the ladies at purdue are not that hideous.
Once again lafayette jeff, Purdue bitterness rears it's ugly head...
When is your school going to shove more coaches out the door for mediocrity??
Notre Dame. THE best in Indiana. Period.
Bravo! Love it! Nothing says a good football team like a 3-9 record and man tits for a coach! You are correct on that one! And seriously, you picked bikes over go-karts? Ask anyone what they would rather ride or watch, guarantee they would pick go-karts over bikes any day. There is a reason that racing cars are the second most watched sport in America and no one watches the Tour de France. Oh and pretty sure no one from IU has ever walked on the moon. BOILER UP!
Doofus (your mom) can't even resort to a good comeback...
It's not about bikes, it's about tradition. Since you probably don't know much about IU, it's more than a bicycle race.
Congrats on putting a man on the moon, can NASA waste anymore of our taxpayers money? I sure hope!
Also no one cares about NASCAR or Tour De France unless you are gay or a hillbilly.
Because "Doofus" is a kick ass comeback........ouch, that was rough!
Hey Skip,
If you actually look at the links on the page about Purdue being the best College in Indiana you will note that the author has been to IU in the past. Perhaps he just didn't have the cash to spend on your whore sisters whose pictures you posted.
Honestly, you celebrate a bicycle race... Almost as gay as the Tour De France.
It is very unfortunate that your football coach that got the brain tumor and not you.
if you notice IU sucks the authors are different, just been they (SI) have been to both cities.
Also the writer of the PU story is writer at PU's Exponent, bias is where now?
Jerk, I hope karma bites you in the ass and gives you the tumor
I think IUsucks has personal issues
IUsucks made me laugh.
But honestly I don't wish cancer on anyone, even Purdue haters. And I secretly did clap when IU made it to a bowl game this year. It has been a looonnnnggggg time and the whole coach thing. But I also clapped when Navy beat Notre Dame. Who didn't?
Having attended and been employed by both IU and Purdue, I can say they are both great schools. Go to Purdue if you want to be an engineer, a vet, or do anything agriculture related. IU has law, medical (optometry, dentistry, etc.), and a highly rated music school. Stupid people might chose IU over Purdue solely because of the much prettier campus.
It is accepted that Purdue has better football tradition and IU has better basketball tradition but each meeting is a battle regardless of records.
As for Grand Prix/Little 500 comparisons.....only greeks watch either race anyway. Everyone else gets an excuse to party for a week straight before finals. Ask non-affiliated kid where he wants to spend that weekend though, and most would (and do every year) pick little 5.
Also....mad mushroom's pizza sucks big time. They don't use real cheese. Try Mother Bear's (they deliver beer) and/or Pizza Express (the fastest plus free beer pong cups) in Bloomington.
Comparing the Grand Prix thing they have at Purdue to the Little 5 is like comparing a Helms title to an NCAA Championship.
Whoever wrote that is either an idiot or a die hard Purdue fan OR, as is the case with so many Purdue people, both.
The article was written by a Purdue student.
Although this blog is hilarious and true, if you could soo kindly take my picture off of this website..I'm pretty sure the photo is "sluts2" it would be grrrreatly appreciated.
Following my lovely bests previous comment, I have no idea who you are and would respectfully ask that you take the first picture of myself down. Neither myself, the other blonde pictured, or the blonde in the second picture appreciate being labled as "slut1" or "slut2," regardless of the mission to prove that yes, the female population here in Bloomington leaves much to be desired for in West LaLa. Also, it's true, IU is better as a social campus and in many respects academically. I'm not even going to comment on the disrespect you showed our basketball team or Little 5; clearly you don't go here. We're sorry you either didn't get in, or for some reason unbeknown to me decided to waste your college years at Purdon't.
You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. For another take on this disgusting article, check out
IU vs. PU Basketball series records:
Since Purdue's "National Title":
74-64 - IU
Post WWII:
66-53 - IU
Last 50 Years:
49-47 - IU
Last 25 Years:
29-23 - IU
In the new millenium:
11-4 - IU
all the pictures of alpha chi girls are coming from where???
Being THE best university in Indiana is akin to being THE best special athlete.
There is truly only one great institution in the great state of Indiana... Ball U. I mean, look at the slogans that have come out of Muncie, IN. "Muncie, we're having a Ball" or "Ball State, the place to B."
All of these lead me to one conclusion. Neither IU or Purdue can hold a candle to great names like Dave Letterman, Brian Collins ( or the great Papa John himself.
You may have your Big-Ten titles, but are those even comparable to MAC Conference titles? I say no.
Here is a toast to the Hoosier and the Boiler... "Go get 'em, because we both know that everyone in the state of Indiana is better than Charlie Weiss and the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame." Return to Glory?
As someone who got accepted to both Purdue and Indiana and did not have any previous connection or liking for either school before I applied, Purdue is a drastically better school. Our current basketball coach is legit and ethical compared to Kelvin Sanctions and his denim shirts and I dont even want to get started with football. All I know is that it will be great to be signing IU Alum's paychecks the rest of my life.
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